Acquiring the materials

The United Artists and Faye Emerson collections at the WCFTR represent two kinds of collections, with United Artists as a collection donated by an organization and Faye Emerson as a collection donated by an individual. Once acquired by the WCFTR, expert archivists processed the collections, re-housed and cared for the materials, preserved the papers and film prints. They also included digitized clips within conferences presentations and nudged researchers toward using them.

A manila file folder that contains images and documents from the Faye Emerson Collection at the Wisconsin Center for Film and Theater Research. The folder is labeled "Television: The Faye Emerson Show: TV vs Movies" and is dated January 8, 1951. A caption on onionskin is photographed on top of the folder to make the typing more legible.  The caption states, "Two of show business’ mot attractive glamor gals are Celeste Holm, left, and Faye Emerson as they will appear on the WJZ-TV FAYE EMERSON SHOW Wednesday, Jan. 3 at 7:15 p.m., EST.